Sunday, August 28, 2011

bomb diggity

I woke up and did my morning routine of being half asleep on the porch while Joy goes potty and read all of the blog updates in the cyber world. I did that and wished I was funnier. I also have decided that I need colorful metal chickens.
I am also looking for volunteers to help yarn bomb suburbia any takers ? I think it is unfair that the "city" gets to have all of the cool things and yarn bombing in the middle of a west county subdivision is way cooler. It's cooler because most of those people will not know why in heavens name is there a sweater on that tree.
working on the dundee collection but since they will be gifts in the future I will only "pin" pictures of them so those that do not see Pinterest will be surprised.
I'll post pictures of my own beyonce when I hit up the garden ridge

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Projects 101- slight obsession

so I put myself on that yarn diet and planned on making baby blankets out of leftover yarn from previous baby blankets, naming them after the original children, and selling them. I started with"the Natalie" I was very fun to make and the real Natalie LOVES the blanket I made her 4 years later and that shit is torn up but it looks loved. Her Bday is this week so I think I will just send her the New "Natalie" blanket and I sell nothing. I think she will like it I mean it has flowers on it

I mean look at those flowers!!!

Which brings me to my next newest obsession. Flower scarves. I found it on that pinterest site damn pinterest. and I ended up NOT being on a yarn diet but instead purchasing 900 skeens of yarn to make little bitty flowers out of. I am currently working on "sunshower" ( not sure why I started naming projects but I like it ) I have looked hi and low for patterns for crocheting flowers and am happy with only 2 of 90 I tried but I do need fillers so we will keep them all right?
There is moer I found the crocodile stitch and I think I will start that one after this one. So many yarns not enough time I think I need to quit this nursing gig and do my true calling - ADHD crocheting